1141 Year in review
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Further Reading
Historical Events in 1141 - On This Day (onthisday.com)
What Happened in 1141 - On This Day (onthisday.com)
The Anarchy - Wikipedia (wikipedia.org)
Queen Matilda, Empress Maud and the Civil War with King Stephen. (historic-uk.com)
1141: The War of the Two Matildas - History… the interesting bits! (historytheinterestingbits.com)
Monument record MLI89083 - The first battle of Lincoln (1141AD) (gov.uk)
The Anarchy, The Bloody Battle Between Stephen & Matilda (historyextra.com)
Stephen | King of England, Conqueror of Normandy | Britannica (britannica.com)
Why Did Two Namesake Queens Fight for the English Crown? (historyhit.com)