Further Reading
- AD 114 - Wikipedia (wikipedia.org)
- Trajan invaded Armenia /114 y - LEGIO-IIII-SCYTHICA (legio-iiii-scythica.com)
- Roman Timeline of the 2nd Century AD - UNRV.com (unrv.com)
- DWT: Timelines - 1000 BC – 500 AD - Designing with Type (designingwithtype.com)
- Sestertius, Emperor Trajan, Ancient Roman Empire, 112-114 AD (com.au)
- Augustus, Jesus and Wang Mang. What happened in the Year 1 AD? (youtube.com)
- Trajan, 98-117 AD, AR Denarius, Column of Trajan, struck 114-115 AD (ancientcointraders.com)
- How long ago was the year 114 B.C.? | howlongagogo.com (howlongagogo.com)
- Rome and Romania, Roman Emperors, Byzantine ... - Friesian School (friesian.com)