What happened in the 1730s?
⚔️ War of Jenkins' Ear Begins (1739): Conflict between Britain and Spain, which later merges into the War of Austrian Succession.
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Further Reading
War of Jenkins' Ear | Spanish-British, Caribbean, 1739-1748 (britannica.com)
War of Jenkins' Ear - Wikipedia (wikipedia.org)
The War of Jenkin's Ear Flashcards - Quizlet (quizlet.com)
What Was the War of Jenkins' Ear? - TheCollector (thecollector.com)
The war of jenkins' ear - Oregon Health & Science University (elsevierpure.com)
War of Jenkins' Ear - New Georgia Encyclopedia (georgiaencyclopedia.org)
War of the Austrian Succession - Wikipedia (wikipedia.org)
War of Jenkins' Ear (1739-48)--Historical Outline (gmu.edu)
The Cambridge Companion To English Literature PDF - Scribd (scribd.com)