What happened in the 1080s?
๐ Council of Melfi (1089): Convened by Pope Urban II, this council addresses church reforms and consolidates papal authority.
Further Reading
- Pope Urban II, the Collectio Britannica, and the Council of Melfi (1089) (oup.com)
- The Context of the First Crusade - Pope Urban II - MancHistorian (manchistorian.com)
- Pope Urban II, the Collectio Britannica, and the Council of Melfi (1089) (worldcat.org)
- A PEOPLE'S CHURCH - Oxford Academic (oup.com)
- Second Vatican Council | Description, History, Documents, & Legacy (britannica.com)
- A Companion to the Medieval Papacy - Brill (brill.com)
- Inventiones and Historical Memory in Southern Italy, c. 900-1150 (utoronto.ca)
- The Use of Canon Law in Ecclesiastical Administration, 1000-1234 ... (dokumen.pub)
- Christianity in Western Europe c. 1100 - c. 1500 (lionandlambapologetics.org)
- Volume II: The later Crusades, 1189-1311 - Full view - UWDC (wisc.edu)